Page 13 - Spotlight On Literacy_L3_06
P. 13

A Rainbow Rhyme

                                                                                                                Story Words                                                      Sight Words

                                                                                                                rainbow        sky            clouds        boots                I        it

                                                                                                                grass          puddles        rained        stopped              was      were

                                                                                                                went away  wanted             go out        play                 yet      above

                                                                                                                looked up  saw                filled up     draw                 could  could not

                                                                                                                wet            dark           gray          purple               gone  good-bye

                                                                                                                green          orange         red

       A Rainbow Rhyme

       Copyright © 2011 by Bricks Education
                                                                                                               Key Sentences
       All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
       any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
       recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission                        (The sky) was (dark).
       in writing from the publisher.
                                                                                                               (The clouds) were (gray).
       ISBN  978-89-6435-172-7

       Program Direction   Bricks Education                                                                    I (looked up).
       Program Development   Kirchoff/Wohlberg, Inc.
       Story Writing   Anne Miranda / Mary Jane Martin                                                         I (saw) (purple, green, orange, and red).
       Illustrations   Sarah Snow
       Publication and Distribution   Bricks Education


                                                                                                               Science: Rainbow
       56, World Cup buk-ro 6-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 03993
       Tel  82 2 326 1168 / 82 2 335 7399
       Fax  82 2 326 1626                                                                                        Literature: Poem
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