Page 33 - Spotlight On Literacy_L1_05
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                                                  Let’s Find Out

                                   Book 1                     Who Says Moo?

                             Who Says Moo?
   09                        Who Says Moo?                     Theme Activity·  ···································· 2
                                 by Anne Miranda • Mary Jane Martin
                                  illustrated by Susan Reagan
                                                               Vocabulary ········································· 4
                                    ?  ?                       Comprehension ···································· 6

                                                               Language Arts  ····································· 8

                                                               Thinking Skills···································· 10

                                                               Project ············································ 11
          ISBN 978-89-6435-122-2

                                   Book 2                     The Ant

   10                                                          Theme Activity·  ·································· 12
                                     The Ant
                                                               Vocabulary ······································· 14

                                                               Comprehension ·································· 16

                                                               Language Arts  ··································· 18

                                                               Thinking Skills···································· 20

                                 by Anne Miranda • Mary Jane Martin   Project ············································ 21
                                  illustrated by Bernard Adnet
          ISBN 978-89-6435-123-9

                                                               Story Song  ······································· 22

                                                               Pictionary········································· 24

                                                               Make Your Own Books  ·························· 25

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