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Bricks Think about the Topic Preview Vocabulary Topic 1, 2, 3 Unit Test Improve Note-Taking Skill
각 토픽의 소개말과 간단한 • 주요 어휘의 영영 풀이를 통해 • Comprehension 문제 Unit에서 배운 내용을 • 대화 및 담화를 들으며
의미 익히기 풀이 노트테이킹 연습 Listening
질문을 읽으며 토픽에 흥미 • 주요 어휘의 예문을 활용해 • Organizing을 하며 대화 바탕으로 실전 시험 • Comprehension 문제
Listening 350 1-3 갖기 문제를 풀면서 어휘력 향상 및 담화의 맥락 파악 대비 풀이
achieve income A Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
v. to get a good result after much effort n. money that you earn from your work
syn. accomplish syn. earnings 1. My mom works for the company and receives ( virtual / steady ) income.
advanced independently 2. Jessie wants to ( apply / promote ) for an advertising company as a copywriter.
adj. at a higher, more difficult level adv. in a way that is free from being controlled
by other people or events 3. A ( flexible / professional ) work schedule helps me to have a better work-life balance.
v. to make a formal request for something, such nutritional 4. The device is connected to the ( virtual / edible ) reality computer.
as a job adj. providing or related to the food necessary
to keep healthy
companion 5. I was pleased to hear that my dad would be ( convinced / promoted ).
n. a person you spend a lot of time with often portfolio
n. a collection of a person’s creative works
convinced intended to show his or her ability
adj. completely certain that something is true B Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks.
syn. assured n. something that can grow and develop into
degree something more degree developed undertaker nutritional portfolio
n. an academic title given by a university or
college for completing a course of study professional 1. Daniel has an outstanding to show off his talent.
adj. relating to work that needs special
develop training or education ant. amateur 2. Amy finally received a doctoral in science last semester.
v. to create something by intentional effort over
time promote 3. The first thing to do after the death of a person is to contact a(n) .
edible v. to move someone to a higher rank or position 4. The company several electric car models for sale this year. Preview Vocabulary
at the workplace ant. demote
adj. safe or suitable for eating qualification
Think about n. a person who works for another person or a n. official proof of having received training or of 5. Mr. Green will analyze and record the content of school meals. 토픽에 나오는 어휘 및 표현을
finishing a course of study
the Topic company for money n. a situation in which there is not enough of C Choose the correct synonym for each underlined word.
v. to judge the importance or quality of
something syn. lack
THINK ABOUT THE TOPIC something syn. rate adj. not moving or changing suddenly 1. What will you accomplish after these courses you are taking? d. achieve 먼저 학습하고, 예문을 활용한
b. emerge
a. qualify
c. evaluate
수업 전 토픽에 관한 TOPIC 1 to get a dream job n. the condition of being known and notable to substitute 2. If you want to become a good player, there is no replacement for hard work.
the public
Most of the people have a job. What did they do to get the job? Do you have a job you want to get? flexible n. a thing or person that is used instead of a. substitute b. potential c. qualification d. degree 문제를 풀면서 듣기 이해력을
another thing or person syn. replacement
질문에 답하며 흥미를 If so, how you try to have the job in the future? adj. easily able to change or be changed; n. a person who prepares dead bodies for burial 3. The manager is assured that all employees do their best and work hard. d. simulated
a. promoted
c. convinced
b. advanced
TOPIC 2 Freelancer vs. Employee
Some people prefer to be a freelancer while others like to work for a company as an employee. What n. someone who works with different companies and organizes funerals 4. There is a serious lack of clean water in the small town. 향상시킵니다.
do you think the differences would be between the two?
높이고 배경지식을 TOPIC 3 Unique Jobs instead of being a company employee adj. can be done or seen using a computer a. shortage b. companion c. degree d. potential
ant. full-timer
ant. actual
These days, we can find some jobs we have never seen before. Let’s talk about some unique jobs that
you know and why they have appeared.
쌓습니다. 8 UNIT 01 Career 9
007058_BL350_level1(U1-U6)_재.indd 8-9 20. 10. 3. 오후 12:42 007058_BL350_level1(U1-U6)_재.indd 9 20. 10. 3. 오후 12:42
TOPIC 1 04 TOPIC 2 05
Topic 1, 2, 3 To Get a Dream Job Freelancer vs. Employee
3개의 토픽(대화 2개, 담화 1개)를
A. Listen and match to complete the sentences. A. Listen and check T(true) or F(false). T F
듣고 중심 생각과 세부 내용을 1. Game designers • • • a. develop game software. 1. The girl’s father is working as a freelancer.
2. The boy had positive opinions about a freelancer.
2. Game artists
• b. create game rules and structures.
3. Game programmers • • c. draw images of the game. 3. The girl has decided to work as a freelancer.
파악하는 연습을 합니다. B. Listen again and answer the questions. B. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about? 1. What is the topic of the conversation? Improve Note-taking Skill
a. the diff erences between a game designer and programmer a. how to become a freelancer with fame
b. the diffi culties to become a game programmer b. why people need to make enough money
c. how to prepare for becoming a game programmer c. the advantages and disadvantages of working as an employee 실제 TOEFL과 유사한 형태의
d. the growth in the jobs related to games d. the differences between freelancers and employees
2. What is NOT necessary to become a game programmer? 2. According to the conversation, what is true about freelancers? 대화 및 담화를 들으며 노트테이킹
a. having a good portfolio a. They have little lifestyle flexibility.
b. learning how to draw pictures on the computer b. They have less work opportunities than employees.
c. learning to develop a software program c. They can get fame although they cannot be promoted. 기술을 연습합니다.
d. getting a degree in computer science at university d. They can have social support from a company they belong to.
TOPIC 3 06
3. What can be inferred from the conversation? 3. What is the boy’s attitude toward freelancers? 07 Score: / 12
a. Game programmers need to be good at art. Unique Jobs a. He respects freelancers because of their ability. IMPROVE NOTE-TAKING SKILL 18
b. The boy is working on a programming job. b. He thinks freelancers are fi nancially unstable.
c. Every student should learn math skills at university. c. He thinks freelancers are too busy to have free time.
[1 – 3] Listen and answer each question.
d. Math and science are related to computer programming. d. He prefers freelancers because they have more income potential. A Listen to a conversation between a professor and a student.
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Listen and check T(true) or F(false). T F [7 – 9] Listen to the talk and answer the following questions.
advanced degree grades
1. Pet food testers eat pet food to show it will be safe for pets. a. people eating toxic food fame fl exible independently
C. Review what you have heard and fi ll in the blanks. portfolio programming C. Review what you have heard and fi ll in the blanks. promoted steady support
7. What is the talk mainly about?
b. unusual jobs related with food
2. Digital undertakers can delete the data we left online.
Organizing 3. Edible insect experts develop special food we might eat in the future. Employees … c. why people care about pet food Freelancers … A Unique Job
a. a new scientifi c theory about how to conserve energy
b. why the form of energy changes
1. make a
d. animal-related jobs recently appearing
can be helpful to apply for a job.
B. Listen again and answer the questions. c. roller coasters and the law of the conservation of energy
2. What is mentioned in the conversation?
d. the most exciting thing about riding roller coasters
a. The girl’s mom doesn’t care where she works.
오거나이징을 하면서 긴 대화 및 2. get a college 1. What is the reporter mainly talking about? languages. 1. have a a. Energy exists in more than three forms. 4. have lifestyle and
To be a game
2. can be 8. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the talk?
b. The boy isn’t interested in writers.
a. the most popular jobs these days
4. study
more work opportunities.
in a company.
in computer science.
b. three new jobs we can have in the future
c. The girl’s mom will work for a web magazine.
you should …
if they are
5. can get
in the
3. can have social
b. Potential energy has to do with an object’s position.
c. how to get a job in other countries
담화의 맥락을 이해합니다. 3. care about overall school d. some jobs and why they have appeared computer office they belong to. d. The boy wants to work as a freelancer. recognized for their ability. NOTE-TAKING Line Sitter
c. Kinetic energy means energy that is in motion.
3. What can NOT be inferred from the letter?
5. have
6. can enjoy working freely and
d. The amount of energy stays the same.
to go to a university. skills, such as algorithms. a. Zoey Kim is in her senior year at school. . boy
2. Which of the following is true according to the report? 9. What can be inferred from the talk?
a. Many people care about the food their pets eat. b. Zoey Kim worked at another game company. - asks the professor: the class a bit early
c. Zoey Kim thinks she is good for the new game.
b. Digital laundry is a place where a robot cleans our clothes. a. Objects in a low position have little potential energy. - a line sitter as a job
d. The computer game company is hiring artists.
10 c. Insects have not been considered safe food substitutes. b. Kinetic energy doesn’t exist at the bottom of a hill. UNIT 01 Career 11 - stands in for s/o: doesn’t have time & doesn’t want to stand in
d. Pet food testers don’t chew pet food, but just swallow it. c. Potential energy is energy’s most powerful form. prof.
d. When something is in high speed, kinetic energy is little. - saw line sitters standing in line to buy tickets / book a restaurant in the
007058_BL350_level1(U1-U6)_재.indd 11 3. What can NOT be inferred from the report? [4 – 6] Listen to the talk and answer the following questions. 20. 10. 3. 오후 12:42 boy
4. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
a. People might have to eat insects in the future. [10 – 12] Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. - earns - will do for a new
a. two different types of work
b. Nobody wants to erase all of their online traces. 10. What is the conversation mainly about? - people find line sitters through the
c. More and more people will care about quality of pets’ life.
b. diffi culty in getting a job
Unit Test a. what aquaponics is and why it is so good prof. - asks the boy to class next time
c. the benefi ts of being a freelancer
d. As our society is changing, we can have more new jobs in the future.
b. the best design for indoor hydroponic farming
d. various kinds of jobs
remove shortages traces
C. Review what you have heard and fi ll in the blanks. delicious develop evaluate c. why fi sh waste is used as a fertilizer in aquaponics
5. What is true about the speaker’s parents according to the talk?
d. the difference between aquaponics and hydroponics
Tip In some cases, you need to listen, separating who is saying what. You can write who is
a. Her father is not limited to a work place. saying, and then the details several times.
b. Her mother works only when she wants to.
Why It Has Appeared
What To Do
Unit에서 배운 단어와 표현으로 재구성된 Which of the following is correct based on the conversation? (2 Answers)
a. An aquaponic farm cannot be set up in the house.
c. Her father works with his co-workers in his company.
Pet food 1. to taste pet food to 2. People want to give food b. Fish waste is an essential part of an aquaponic system.
d. Her mother often works at home or in her workroom.
for their pets
지문을 바탕으로 TOEIC, TOEFL 등의 c. Pure water fl ows into hydroponic system. 1. What is the main idea of the conversation? 2. What is mentioned by the boy?
its flavor and nutritional value
6. What is the speaker going to talk about next?
3. to
a. He got the job opportunity aft er watching
4. We really are living in a digital world and
a. some reasons to leave class early
d. One of the benefi t of aquaponics is organic foods.
the news.
a. how to work as a freelancer
undertaker traces online someone may want to remove all their 12. Why does the man recommend aquaponics for city farming? b. a unique job that a student has b. He will book a restaurant aft er the
b. why she wants to be an editor
c. which products line sitters usually wait for
실전 시험에 대비합니다. 6. Insects are considered to be a food a. It does not require artifi cial fertilizers. d. who uses professional line sitters most c. He has a part-time job and earns his
c. a career type she wants to have in the future
Edible insect
5. to research and
insects as food
d. other information about freelancers and employees
b. It lets farmers grow a lot of organic food.
substitute for future food
c. Farmers can set up the system wherever they want. d. He posted on the Internet to fi nd the
d. It can let farmers reuse and save water.
12 UNIT 01 Career 13 part-time job.
30 REAL TEST 1 31
007058_BL350_level1(U1-U6)_재.indd 13 20. 10. 3. 오후 12:43
007058_BL350_level1(U1-U6)_재.indd 30-31 20. 10. 3. 오후 12:43
and images into a and I am taking a
? course.
B A programmer? W That’s good. You are to become a
W Right! ‘Game programmers’ actually develop the programmer, right?
. B That’s my dream.
B I think W Well, it. You
to do! That’s why I’m a will also need
after school. I’ve . You will take these courses in university.
some simple software. B OK. Thanks a lot for your !
W Keep doing what you’re doing now and W My pleasure. I hope you
Vocabulary Review
. It will be helpful when you
a university or a job. TOPIC 2 Freelancer VS. Employee
B Got it. I should know 다양한 유형의 어휘 문제를 통해 단어의
B Sophie! Finally, the
의미와 스펠링, 쓰임, 유사어, 반의어 등을
tomorrow! Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon? What about
W Let’s see… the of most
say you need a university degree in
Oh, I’m sorry, Peter. I
효과적으로 복습합니다.
. To go to a university, you should
with my father.
not only to studying computers but also to your
B Your father? Doesn’t he work tomorrow? It’s Friday!
in school. , math and
Dictation , so he doesn’t
He’s a
science may be important.
받아쓰기를 통해 정확한 지문 이해와
. Since he has a
B OK. I’m and right now,
집중력 있는 듣기 훈련을 합니다.
6 UNIT 08 Technology 7
2021. 11. 23. 오후 2:54
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