Page 83 - 2022_Catalogue
P. 83

 Bricks Reading 240  Take a Picture Walk   Build Vocabulary  Nonfiction Text Features  Comprehend It!    Focus on Skills
                                                                                                         Summarize It!
                                                             Read a Passage &
                                                                                      Write It!
                      Think & Talk
                                                          •  다양한 주제의 논픽션 지문      •  지문 이해 확인          •  단락별 요지 파악         Reading
                       주제 파악,            핵심 어휘 학습         읽기                     •  라이팅을 통한 문법 및      •   Graphic Organizer를
 Nonfiction 1-3    배경지식 공유 및 확장            및 연습           • 정보 확장 학습              표현 학습                통한 리딩 스킬 학습

                                       UNIT 02  TOPIC: Life Science ⊲ Animals ⊲ Chameleons  Build  Vocabulary
                                             READING SKILL: Cause and Effect
                                             TEXT TYPE: Expository Text
                                                                                             Track 04  Build Vocabulary
                                        Why Chameleons                  blend into  warn
                                                                        phrase  to look similar to something as to not
                                                                                    v. to tell someone of a possible danger or
                  Photos & Characters                                   be easily seen  problem   핵심 어휘의 의미를 파악하고,
                  학습자의 시선을 사로잡는 실사      Change Colors                   n. an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other   n. one who competes or fights against for the   두가지 유형의 문제를 통해
                                                                                    same thing
                                                                        mood        attract
                  이미지와 캐릭터를 통해 주제에                                      n. the way a person feels at a certain time  something   어휘 실력을 향상합니다.
                                                                                    v. to cause someone to be interested in
                                                                        communicate   absorb
                  관한 배경지식을 끌어내고 학습              Full 360-degree view    v. to share thoughts and feelings with others  v. to take something in
                                                                        | VISUALIZE | Look and match to complete the sentences.
                                                       Long, sticky tongue
                  자의 흥미를 높입니다.                                           1 1    2       3
                                                                           The bird is     ●   ●  the green leaves.
                                                                           The butterfly blends into  ●   ●  in a bad mood.
                                                                Long tail     Christopher is     ●   ●  a predator of the lizard.
                                                                        | APPLY | Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
                                              Look! Chameleons have special   communicate        rivals        warned        attract        absorb
                                              eyes, long tongues, and tails.
                                              The most special thing is their      Plants    water from the soil.
                  Think & Talk                quick color-changing ability. But      Many people    with others by e-mail.
                                              there are secrets behind it!
                                                                           Male frogs sing to    female frogs.
                  주제에 관한 핵심 질문에                  Think     Have you ever seen a chameleon?      The teacher    students to be quiet in the library.
                                                 Think ? !
                                                       What color was it?
                                                  & &  Talk     Why do chameleons change their      Ryan is the fastest in his class, he has no    in running.
                  답하며 본문 내용을 추측합니다.                    colors?
                                        12                                                   UNIT 02     13
                                                Track 05
                                                Why Chameleons                     or cool their bodies. When the temperature
                                                                                    Chameleons also change colors to warm
                                                 Change Colors           female  male  drops, chameleons turn a darker color.
                                                                                   That’s because darker colors absorb more
                                                                                   heat and keep it inside the body for longer.
                                           Chameleons are famous for being able to change colors. Many people think   But when chameleons need to cool off,
                                          it’s because they need to blend into the environment to hide from predators.   they turn a light color, such as light green
                                          But that’s not true! Chameleons can move fast, so they can easily run away from   Chameleons communicate with each other.  to reflect heat away. This stops them from
                                        hungry predators. They actually change colors for other reasons. So what are they?  overheating. How awesome is that!
                                         Sometimes, they change colors to blend into their surroundings. But most of the   These amazing animals come in many
                                        time, it’s because of their different moods! When they are afraid, they turn darker   different colors. You may have seen blue,
                                                                      Which paragraph matches the title
                                        but when they are excited, they turn brighter. They may also change colors to   “Temperature & Color Change”?   yellow, red, pink, and green chameleons.
                                        communicate with other chameleons. If they want to warn their rivals, they turn light   ● 1st    ● 2nd    ● 3rd   The next time you see them, try to guess
                                        colors like red and yellow. What happens if they see a female they like? Then they also   why they have changed into that particular
                                        turn light colors to attract a mate!       color!
                                                        After a fight, the winning chameleon turns   Read a Diagram  Crystals for Chameleon’s Color
                                                        a bright color. The losing chameleon like    Read Nonfiction
                                                         the one below, turns completely dark.
                                                                        Chameleons have crystals inside their skin. They can change their colors by adjusting
                                                                        the space between those crystals. As the distance between crystals increases,   Text Features
                                                                        chameleons turn into a lighter color.
                                                                             crystals inside      주제와 연계, 확장된 정보를
                                                                             the skin
                                                                                                  차트, 지도, 다이어그램
                                                                        Chameleon skin  Relaxed chameleon   Excited chameleon
                                                                                   Crystals are near each   Crystals are far from
                                                                                   other. (green, blue)  each other. (yellow, red)  등으로 추가 제공하여 논픽션
                                        WORD                                      How do chameleons change their colors?   지문을 읽을 때 필요한
                                        What is the closest meaning for           ●  by changing the space between crystals in
                                        the word “mate”?                           their skin     스킬을 익힙니다.
                                        ● brother    ● partner                    ●  by changing the color of crystals in their skin
                                        14                                                   UNIT 02     15
                   Comprehend It!       Comprehend It!      Choose the correct answers.  Summarize It!     Complete the summary.  Summarize It!
                   확인 문제를 통해 글의 주제와        What is the passage mainly about?  Many people think chameleons change colors to match their environment
                                         a. how chameleons communicate with other animals   Beginning   __________________________________. But there are other reasons   글을 요약하며 지문의 구조를
                                                                        Paragraph 1
                   세부사항을 파악합니다.          b. how chameleons get away from predators  why chameleons change colors.     파악하고 paraphrasing
                                         c. why chameleons change colors
                                                                        Middle   Chameleons mostly change colors because of ______________________
                                                                       Paragraphs 2-3  ___________. They also change colors  __________________________
                                           Chameleons usually change colors when   .  other chameleons and to ______________________________________.
                                         a. they need to hide from nearby predators  End  The next time you see a chameleon, try to guess the reason why the   능력을 향상합니다.
                                         b. they meet other chameleons of the same color   Paragraph 4  chameleon has that color.
                                         c. they express their different moods
                                                                            to communicate with   their different moods
                                                                            to hide from their predators  warm or cool their bodies
                                           When chameleons get excited, they turn   .
                                         a. a dark color          b. a bright color          c. a surrounding color
                                           Why do chameleons turn dark in cold weather?
                                         a. to absorb more heat            Focus      n Skills  Cause & Effect
                                         b. to blend into warm surroundings                       Focus on Skills
                                         c. to cool their body        Why do chameleons change their colors? Complete the chart.
                                                                                Cause    Effect   Graphic Organizer를 통해
                                           What can be inferred from the passage?   
                                         a. Female chameleons don’t change colors.  being afraid, sick, stressed    turn __________
                                         b. Chameleons may turn dark when they are scared of their rivals.   Mood  being __________, happy     turn brighter    학습한 내용을 심층적으로
                                         c. A chameleon is the only animal that can change colors.  being calm, relaxed    turn green or blue
                                                                             to __________ rivals     turn brighter   이해하고 구조화하여 정리
                                                                       Communication  
                    Write It!           Write It!  When ...,             Body  to attract a mate    turn __________    합니다.
                                                                                       turn darker
                                                                             to warm their bodies
                    본문에 나온 주요 문법과          Circle the best place for the word “when” in the sentence.  Temperature  to __________ their bodies  brighter  turn brighter   warn
                                                                                  cool off
                                          (   a    ) chameleons are afraid, (   b    ) they turn (   c    ) darker.
                    표현을 확인하고 연습합니다.        Join the two sentences using the word “when.”
                                         Octopuses need to hide from predators. They change colors.   Look at the chameleon!
                                                                       Talk about It!  Can you guess why the
                                                                           chameleon turned brighter?
                                        16                                                   UNIT 02     17
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