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P. 77


                             Let’s Talk!                        New Words                          Story Reading
                        주제에 대한 배경 지식 노출                   영영풀이와 예문으로 새 단어 학습                      스토리 읽기 활동                Reading

                         Summary & Share It!                   Reading Skill                 Vocabulary & Comprehension
                       내용 정리 및 나의 생각 써보기               리딩 스킬 활동을 통해 글을 분석하는 연습                 스토리 어휘와 내용 확인 문제

                                         Unit 14  Theme: Go Abroad
                                              Reading Skill: Point of View
                                             A Eurail Trip                    NEW WORDS         New Words

                                                                         decide  v.  to think about and choose  28  학습할 단어의 영영 풀이와
                                                                              They decided to have pizza for dinner.
                                                                         aisle  n. a place where people walk between sitting   예문을 통해 단어의 의미를
                                                                              The aisle is empty. No one is walking around.  알고 문맥상에서 어떻게
                  Let’s Talk!                                            discuss  v. to talk about what to do  쓰이는지 학습합니다.
                                                                              Let’s discuss the homework.
                  주제와 관련된 사진을 보며 학습할                                     approach  v. to go to; to come to
                                                                              A bus approaches the bus stop.
                  내용에 대해 이야기 나눕니다.
                                                                         compare  v.  to see how things are similar
                                                                              She compared her homework with mine.
                                                                         blush  v.  to become red in a person’s face
                                                         LET’S TALK!          She blushes when she makes a mistake.
                  Check the True Sentence  Check     the true sentence.   Why do you think the  conductor  n. a person on a train who collects tickets
                                                          family looks happy?
                  사진 속 내용에 맞는 문장을 고르는       The family is waiting for their flight.  journey  n.  The train conductor collected tickets.
                                                                              a trip from one place to another place
                  활동을 통해 그림과 글의 상응관계를       The family is walking across a desert.  Our journey was from Vietnam to Cambodia.
                                            The family is waving their hands.
                                        110                                                  Unit 14 111
                                                                 A Eurail Trip     29        but the carriage numbers are different.  You are in
                                                                                             Carriage 1.  This is Carriage 2,” said Sally.
                                                                                                “I’m sorry,” the boy said. He blushed on his way to his
                                                                                                The ride was smooth and comfortable.  We entered a
                                                                   Sally and I were going to Paris from Italy with a Eurail   tunnel. Then there was a sudden stop.
                                                                pass. We were both excited about Paris. It takes about ten        “What’s wrong?” I asked.
                                                                hours, so we decided to go by EuroNight. We got on the        “I don’t know,” Sally responded.
                                                                train. I had the window seat, and Sally had the seat next to         The train conductor walked down the aisle. “Don’t worry,
                                                                the aisle. We discussed our plans for Paris.  everyone. There are some sheep crossing the tracks ahead
                                                                   “We have five days in Paris,” said Sally.  “We must visit   of the tunnel. We’ll be moving shortly,” he said.
                                                                the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.”      Everything  turned out  okay. The train continued  on its
                                                                    “Yeah, but I want to eat French cheese with baguettes! I   journey. Finally, we went back to our planning.
                                                                can’t wait!” I replied.
                                  Vocabulary                   Comprehension
                                                                   “Peter, is that how you want to spend your time in
                                                                Paris? Eating?” Sally laughed.  Comprehension
                  Vocabulary      A Choose the best words and fill in the blanks.  A Check T (True) or F (False).  T         F
                                                                   A boy  approached me.  “Excuse me, I think you are
                  다양한 문장을 통해       1  She    when she makes a mistake.  sitting in my seat,” he said.  세 가지 다른 형식의 컴프리헨션
                                                                  Peter and Sally decided to go to Italy by EuroNight.
                                                                   “Could you please show me your ticket?” Sally asked
                                      blushes  enters            2  Peter had the seat next to the aisle.
                  단어의 쓰임을 익히고      2  They    to have pizza for dinner.  politely. He showed us his ticket, and Sally  compared it   문제를 통해 본문 내용을 잘
                                                                with mine.
                                       collected  decided       B  Choose the best answers.
                  재미있는 워드 퍼즐을      3  Our    was from Vietnam to Cambodia.      “Well, the seat numbers on the tickets are the same,   이해했는지 체크합니다.
                                                                 1 How long are Peter and Sally going to stay in Paris?
                                                                  a.  for three days
                                                                             b.  for five days
                  통해 단어의 의미를           journey  aisle             c.  for a week  d.  for ten days
                                   4  A bus    the bus stop.  112  2 What does Sally want to do in Paris?         Unit 14 113
                  학습할 수 있습니다.          approaches  invites        a.  She wants to eat French cheese.   Summary
                                   5  She      her homework with mine.  b.  She wants to take pictures of the Louvre.
                                      counted  compared           c.  She wants to visit the Eiffel Tower.   글의 요점을 파악하여 줄거리를
                                                                  d. She wants to buy baguettes.
                                                                 3 Why did the boy approach Peter?
                                  B Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues.   Reading Skill  Summary  완성하는 연습을 합니다.
                                    Across        2  d      5  j  a.  to ask for directions  b.  to get travel information
                                                                             d.  to ask about the sheep
                                                                  c.  to check his seat
                                   1  a person on a train who                           Complete the summary by filling in the blanks.
                                    collects tickets             4 What made the train stop?
                                                                  a.  the train conductor
                                                                             b.  broken lights
                                   3  a place where people walk    1      4     A narrator tells the events in a story. In the first person point of view, a
                                    between sitting areas   c  c  narrator tells the story using the words, “ I ”or “ We. ” In the third person   planning        tracks        seat        carriage        discussing
                                                                             d.  the sheep crossing the tracks
                                                                  c.  the closed tunnel
                                                          point of view, a narrator tells the story using the words, “ He, ” “ She, ” or
                                    Down                  “ They. ”  C  Write the correct answers.  Sally and I were going to Paris by EuroNight.  When we were
                                   2  to talk about what to do   3  a     1 How long does it take to go from Italy to Paris?   our plans, a boy came and said I was sitting
                                   4  to see how things are similar  Rewrite the story selection in the third person point of view.  in his   . However, it turned out he was in the
                                   5  a trip from one place to   2 What was the carriage number on the boy’s ticket?  wrong   . Suddenly, the train stopped because
                                    another place                 First Person Point of View  some sheep were crossing the   . The train started
                                                           Sally and       I       were going to Paris on the EuroNight.   moving again, and we went back to our   .
                                 114                           We     got on the train.   Unit 14 115
                                                                 I       had the window seat, and Sally had the seat next to the aisle.  Share It!
                                                               We     discussed     our     plans for Paris.  Share It!
                                                           “We must visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre,” said Sally.
                                                                                                     주제에 대한 질문에 대해
                                                                                        If you could visit Paris, what would you like to do?
                                                                                          I would like to   나의 생각을 글로 써보는
                                                                  Third Person Point of View
                                     Reading Skill         Sally and  Peter  were going to Paris on the EuroNight.   활동을 하면서 사고력과
                                                                          got on the train.
                                     다양한 리딩 스킬 활동을 통해                     had the window seat, and Sally had the seat next to the aisle.   Example 1  작문 실력을 함께 키웁니다.
                                                                                                     Example 2
                                                                          discussed                plans for Paris.   I would like to visit the Louvre.   I would like to spend some time at
                                     다양한 각도에서 글을 분석하는      “We must visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre,” said Sally.  I want to see the world ’ s most   the Eiffel Tower. I ’ ve heard that
                                                                                          famous painting, the Mona Lisa.      the night view from the Eiffel
                                     연습을 할 수 있습니다.                                                   Tower is so beautiful.
                                                                They  Peter  their  They
                                                         116                                                   Unit 14 117
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